Introduction to the site
Blessing to all visitors of our site, evidence of the Last Coming on Earth of God Almighty – of Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos!
1. The Last Advent of God on Earth –
Great Universal Event is in history of humanity.
Apocalypse (1990–2034) – this is the greatest during the last mission of God on Earth! Is performed Great Universal Event! And all events on Earth and on Sky, enumerated in New Testament, testify to the Last Advent of God on Earth: 1. religious; 2. political and economic; 3. natural cataclysms; 4. celestial signs.
The Last Advent of God Himself on Earth, on Ukraine (to the Judea), to Kyiv (Jerusalem) is predicted in Bible and in all spiritual sources of the world. In Bible: by God in Revelation, by Son Divine Jesus Christ in the New Testament and by all prophets of Old Testament. And also known prophets of era of Christianity such as E.I.Rerih, V.Soloviev, D.Andreev, E.Swedenborg, J.Boehme, M.Handel, E.Casey, A.Paracels, M.Nostradamus, V.Gushterova (Vanga) and many other.
On April 11, 1990, to Earth Came Down Almighty God (Father–Son–Mother), the Creator of All Things, the Savior of the World – Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos! So Lord Jesus Christ (Father–Son) Made His Second Coming in the Body and Soul of His Wife–the Mother of the Virgin Mary (the Holy Spirit) is in Donetsk (Bethlehem), on the Slavic land of promise.
2. How Was done the Last Advent of God on Earth?
On Earth, as well as 2000 back, the first Virgin Mary Was born on March, 28, 1960 in Donetsk and Lived in our midst under the name "Marina Tcvigun". In 1990 She was 30 ago. Jesus Christ, Creating a critical situation, on April, 11, 1990 Took away the Soul of Virgin Mary on Skies on 3,5 hour.
On Skies happened Great Explantation (Connection) of Two Great Beginning of God: Paternal (Masculine) – Jesus Christ and Maternal (Woman) – Virgin Mary. The Soul of Lord Jesus Christ (Father–Son) Entered in the Soul and Spiritual Body of Virgin Mary (Spirit of Saint). The Names of Father is Adonaj (Lord), Son is Jesus Christ and Mother (Spirit of Saint) is Mary were accordingly united in the Eternal, Single and New Name of God: Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos (Lord Jesus–Mariya).
This very day, on April 11, 1990, already Triune God (Father–Son–Mother) in Spiritual Body Got off on Earth in Modern Physical Body of Divine Mother in Donetsk (Bethlehem) on Slavic Promised land.
3. The Image of Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos in the Old, New and Last Testaments.
In the Old and New Testaments, the Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos is Presented as: God, Lord God, Lord of lords, King of kings, the Creator of all Things, One God: the Father, the Son and the Mother, Omnipotent, the Living God, God Most High, Savior, Redeemer, Comforter, Zealot, the Protector, Tester, Legislator, Judge, Teacher, Mentor, Healer, Desired by all people, Searching and Judging, The Almighty, «The Woman Clothed with the Sun», the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End!
The Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos in the Last Testament (Eternal Gospel) Presented his Comprehensive Image and Spiritual Essence as follows: «I Am the Mother of the World», «I Am God in Three Persons», «I Am Your Mother, Your Lamb is the Son of God, Eternal Father and Mother Similar!», «I Am the BEGINNING! I Am the END! ALPHA–OMEGA! MOTHER–FATHER!», «I Am Your Saviour, Your Comforter, and the Crown of the Messiah», «I Am Your Judge and Universal Faith!», «I Am The Truth, The Living God, The Lamb, Your Redeemer», «I Am God Almighty, The Creator Of All Things», «I Am the Ruler of Shambhala, Radiant», «I Am the Savior of the World, the Messiah, your Lord Consubstantial», «The Miracle of the Universe», «The Light of Truth, the Spirit of Love Itself, The Absolute, Harmony, the First and the Last, the Eternal Word, Mercy, Kindness, Beauty, Justice, Rigor, the Law, the Kingdom of Love, the Gold Light and Sound of Matter», «Åhe Mistress of all elements, and the Mistress of souls, Mistress of Worlds, Spaces, and the Mother of Eternity», «For I Am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last!».
4. The Thorny Path of Living God on Earth is evidence of the Truth of the Messiah.
God Living – Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos Repeats on Earth Way of the Son Jesus Christ. It is Way of Expiation from the sins of the select people, adopted by the new name: Great White Fraternity.
Lord Jesus Christ in Judea was driven, pelted stones and accused of that He cures people devilish force of prince of darkness Veelzevul. And on the court of sanhedrim accused Jesus Christ of blasphemy, spit in Him and beat unmercifully Him. Then Jesus Christ was tortured and crucified on Cross in the middle of two robbers, because He was added to villains. Lord Jesus Christ Atoned the select people of Israel from sins.
The apostles of Jesus Christ were similarly driven, judged and killed all and crucified.
Therefore, Judah ceased to exist as a state, and in Jerusalem the temple of Solomon was destroyed. The chosen people were moved to the northern land of Ukraine and Russia, and the rest of the Jews were scattered around the world, and the land was given to the Arabs by God. And the Arab state of Palestine was formed, what means: The Truth fell.
With God Living – with Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos on Ukraine (Judea) ringleaders of the state–religious system «Beast» at the head with President of L.Kravchuk (Ponty Pilate) and Patriarch of UPC KP, agent of KGB Filaret (Caiaphas) acted yet worse, than thereat with Son Divine Jesus Christ: named by a sectarian, an impostor and satan, added on criminals, pursued through by ÌIA, SBU and interpol, expelled from Ukraine, arrested, subjected to psychiatric examination, falsely judged and tortured in prisons with processing of psychotronic devices and in a colony with venereal patients and murderers, slandered in MASS–MEDIA. And soon system «Beast» will kill God Living together with Son Divine Yuoann Svami (J.Theologian)!
Similarly acted and with Son Divine, Prophet Yuoann Svami and Ruler, Pastor Peter. And Apostles of God Great White Fraternity was driven, arrested, beat unmercifully, tormented in mental homes and in special receivers tear gassed.
The numerous sects of bookmen and pharisees of Ukraine, especially Orthodox sects (UOC ÌP, UOC ÊP, UAOC), named Universal Church «Great White Fraternity» (YUSMALOS) by a «frightful and totalitarian sect», and God Living – by a «impostor» and «satan» and the New Teaching of the Living God – a «destructive cult». Itself sects name «churches» and even created the All–Ukrainian Council of Churches, which includes pharisaic adventists, baptists, pentecostals, charismatics and catholic and orthodox idolaters and other sects.
Therefore, Ukraine is punished by all sorts of misfortunes and by war and will soon cease to exist as a state, since it rejected its God–Savior, the Prophet and all Saints.
This monstrous and shameful act on God the Living, the Prophet and Saints was observed in many countries of the world, but no one said a word in Their defense, apart from a note of protest from the OUN Commissariat in the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and statements from the human rights organization Helsinki–90. Therefore, the seven bowls of the Wrath of God will fall upon all sinful humanity in the form of various natural disasters and social ills.
And Western Europe and USA yet for plundering the natural resources of the Earth and waging numerous wars against all peoples and for support of nacist power on Ukraine, for support of civil war on Ukraine and for support of genocide of the Russian population on Donbas soon will go away under water.
5. Program of Mission Mother of the World on Earth.
Purpose of Program «YUSMALOS» – to Conclude the Last Precept with select people and heave up its consciousness on the seventh level of Christ, and consciousness 1/3 humanity – on the sixth level of prophets. And spiritually connect 144000 of the chosen people and 1/3 of humanity with the Living God for to enter the World of Fire (the fourth dimension).
Mankind has not and will not be Other Savior and another program of salvation, that I can escape in recent years the death of modern civilization.
The Mother of the Eternity – Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos Has brought to the world Last (Third) Precept of LOVE and Powerful Transcendent Culture.
It in the Last Testament Outlined the Newest Doctrine of the Era of the Mother of the World and of the age of Aquarius – the synthesis of Religion, Philosophy and Science, including "Science about Light and Its Transformation". Then Descended to the human level of Victoriya Victorovna Preobrazhenskaya and Revived the Ancient Sacral Knowledge in modern form and Created a Powerful Transcendent Culture "Space Poliart the Third Millennium" – a synthesis of several arts: Poetry, Music and Song, Painting and Graphic, Dance, Theatre of Mysteries, Scientifically–Teosofic Labours.
The Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos from the first and to this day Its Mission Gives to the Great White Brotherhood numerous and the strongest Test of Faith, Love, Spirit, Consciousness and Will, Patiences and Humilities, Devotion and Loyalty to God Living, Prophet, Church and Last Precept, in particular, on the knowledge of the Word of God in the Old, New and Last Testaments.
Years of Tests of select people of Great White Brotherhood are this biblical Time of Great Sorrow. And by this Time follows Time of Great Plenty for select people – Universal Church «Great White Brotherhood» (YUSMALOS), that will not be overcame by the gates of Hell.
6. Who is Victoriya Viktorovna PreobRAzhenskaya?
Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos Degraded to the human level of Victoriya Viktorovna PreobRAzhenskaya and Revived the Ancient Sacral Knowledge in a modern form and in 18 years (2005–2023) Created a Powerful Overworld Culture "Cosmic Polyart of the Third Millennium" – a synthesis of several types of arts united by the Single Idea of the Unity of God and Human, Heaven and Earth, Male and Female, Spiritual and Material.
Viktoriya Viktorovna PreobRAzhenskaya – Luminous Original Painter, Poetess, Writer, TheoLog, TheoSoph, Sophiologist, Composer, Musician, Performer of Her Own Works, member of the International Art Fund, member of the Creative Union of Professional Artists of Russia, member of the Kiev Charitable Art Association "Golden Palette" Full member of the Russian Physical Society, Laureate and Diploma–recipient of UNESCO International Competitions, Grand Doctor of Philosophy in TheoLogy and TheoSophia, full professor of Oxford, academician of NOAN, the best Scientist of the World 2015.
With her Titanic Labor, Victoriya PreobRAzhenskaya showed what should be the Man of the future: highly spiritual, cultural, creative, useful to the Universe and mankind.
7. The First Coming of The New Son of Man.
On April, 11, 1990, under a sign Zodiac «Aries» in the year of White Horse, in Donetsk (Bethlehem) God of Gods – Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos Spiritually Bore Seven Christ's: Sons and Daughters Divine – John–Peter the Second: at the head with First Christ, Prophet Yuoann Svami (John Theologian) which it is required to pasture all of people a rod ferrous. It is High Priests of Yuoann Svami (Ap. John Zevedeyev), Peter (Àp. Peter), Kesullof (Ap. Jacob Zevedeyev), Vasiliy (Ap. Matthew), Visanta (Ap. Jacob Alfeyev), Larisa (Ap. Levvey), Mariya (Ap. Judas Iscariot). Initially, it was the Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Salaphiel, Uriel, Jeremiel, Lucifer. The seven Archangels is Seven Sefirot, Seven Arhat in Shambhala, Seven Bodhisattvas, Seven Kumar.
Father of Eternity John–Peter the Second is the Christ of God, the Lamb as though slain, the Heir of a New Heaven and a New Earth, the Reflection of God, the Lord of the Universal Church "Great White Brotherhood" (YUSMALOS).
The First New Coming of the Son of Man (Seven Christ’s) foretold in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible: A Child is born to us; a Son is given us; upon His shoulder dominion, and his Name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of peace, who is worthy to receive Power, and Riches, and Wisdom, and Strength, and Honour, and Glory, and Blessing.
In the Day of judgment of God the Son of Man (Seven Christ’s) will be like lightning, sparkled from one end of the Sky, shines to the other end of the Sky. But first He must suffer much and be atversana generation. Each of the Seven Christ’s fulfilled his Mission on Earth in accordance with the Messages to the Angels of the Seven churches of Revelation. These are the Angels of these churches: Yuoann Swami – Ephesus, Peter – Laodicea, Kesullof – Philadelphia, Vasiliy – Sardessai, Visanta – Smyrna, Larisa – Pergamon, Mariya – Thyatira.
Seven Christ's is the root of Jesse, who will be as a banner for the peoples, rise up to rule the peoples; in Him will hope the Gentiles, and his rest shall be Glorious.
8. Value of the Names of God, Son of the Human and select people.
Name of Triune God «Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos» (Lord Jesus–Mariya) means: Lord is the Name of God–Father Adonay, Jesus Christ is the Name of God–Son, Mariya is the Name of God–Spirit of Saint. Or «Mariya DEVI Khristos» means: Mariya Saint Messiah, Mariya Sovereign Aegis Almighty Jesus Khristos.
In obedience to «Alphabet of Transforming» (1993) Mother of the Eternity the Name «Mariya DEVI Khristos» means: «Mariya» (name Anciently–Greek, Jewish origin) – so: «Bearing God»; «DEVI» (sanskrit, ancient Vedic) – so: «Higher Creature», «Goddess»; «Khristos» (ancient Greek) – so: «Messiah».
Name Son of the Human «Yuoann Svami» according to the Articles and Letters of Mother of the World means: John Baptist, again with you! «Svami» means — «Inspector of feelings», «Spiritual Teacher», «Exempt Personality».
Name of Seven Christ's «John–Peter the Second» means: «John–Peter» is Unity of Consciousness and Spirit of Seven Christ's from John to Peter, «Second» is Second Christ.
Name «Great White Brotherhood» means: «Great» are the Great select people of God, «White» – Saint, Clean, «Brotherhood» is Brotherhood in Christ. According to biblical prophecies this new name of select people of Israel reincarnate in slavs. It is 144000 saint and great personalities of all times and peoples. They are at the top of the hierarchical pyramid of humanity. It is arias – the gold Souls are Divine. This eternal priests and Eternal Church Divine.
Sacral Name of God the Most High «Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos» it is intended for Devoted, and Cosmic, Society (mundane) Name «Victoriya Victorovna Preobrazhenskaya» – for people (laymen), as Mother of Eternity Said.
9. Value of the Names Program «YUSMALOS» and New Faith Teaching.
In 1993 in the Newest Studies of the Last Precept God Living from Names «Yuoann Svami» and «Mariya DEVI Khristos» Opened the Name of Triune God «YUSMALOS», where YUS – Yuoann Svami (Son) and MALOS – Mother–Logos, essence: Mariya DEVI Khristos, where «MA» is Mother (Mary), «LOS» is LOGOS, Father (Jesus). And on behalf of Triune God «YUSMALOS» (Father–Son–Mother) there is the name of Single Universal Faith Teaching of New Era of Mother of the World: YUSMALIANSTVO.
In 1999 and later, in connection with the disclosure of the Name of Father of Eternity John–Peter the Second (Seven Higher Logos of the Brotherhood) God of the Gods – Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos Gave yet interpretations of Name "YUSMALOS" from the names of the planets–sefirots and constellation of Big Dipper, that symbolizes the unity of the Mother of Eternity and Father of Eternity. Big Dipper is a symbol of the Mother of Eternity.
Literally "YUSMALOS": YU is Jupiter, S – Saturn, MA – Mercury, Mars and LOS the ancient name of the constellation "Big Dipper", where the seven stars of Ursa Major represent of souls the Seven of Christes.
In the most Ancient Studies of «Space Poliart of the Third Millennium» (2005–2021) Victoriya PreobRAgenskaya opened to the earthmen basic Secret of the Name KHRISTOS. Universal Secret of the Universe is concealed in this sacred Word. This Name is Siriusian Triads: Son Gor, Mother Isida, Father Osiris, or Eternal Duad Mother RÀ of Isida and Father of Skies – of Osiris!
And Deciphered the Name «Mariya DEVI KHRISTOS» so:
MARIYA is Mother of Àriya, Army.
DEVI is Sovereign Aegis Almighty Isida. Or DEVI is Goddess, Saint.
KHRISTOS. It space abbreviation, that means holy family. Organizers of our fifth race – it Izida, Osiris and Gore.
KHR – Xx is Woman Chromosome of RÀ, Chromosome of Rus–Surya. From where goes transcendence Slavic culture, most ancient Aryan. Siriusian.
KHR is a Sun, Light, Khristos, Choir–Gore.
IS – Isida, Truth.
Ò – the key of Isida, key of Eternal Life ÀNKH, is the key of connection Masculine and Woman – Two Universal Beginning of Mother and Father (Son, Spouse).
OS – Osiris, Light.
Victoriya PreobRAgenskaya also Gave interpretations to the Name «YUSMALOS» such: YU is Jupiter, S – Saturn, MA – Mars, L – Moon, O – Orion, S – Sirius.
And again: Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Moon (where the Moon – patron of the Program USMALOS, or Essence: the Feminine) and OS – Lord, Osiris, Sirius–Sotis.
The three star belt of the constellation Orion Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka reflect Female Kernel Seven of Christs. The seven stars of the constellation Orion reflects of souls the Seven of Christ's.
Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ìàrs is planets of Four Sons Divine: Kesullof, Vasiliy, Yuoann Svami, Peter.
Kernel of Seven Christ's is Three Daughters Divine: Mariya, Visanta, Larisa. Their planets: Venus, Uranus, Neptune.
Complete description Seven Christ's presented in Division ¹5, folder ¹3, a file ¹2 Russian version.
It is necessary to notice that on April, 11, 1990 Explantation of Jesus Christ and Virgin Maria happened on Sky, but not Osiris and Isida, that are intermediate embodiments of Son of Divine and Mother of God. And consciousnesses of Christ 2000 back attained They, but not Osiris and Isida. Therefore Mother of the World from the sum of Three Names: of Father – Adonay (Lord), of Son – Jesus Christ and of Mother (Spirit of Saint) – Virgin Mary Opened the Name New, Single and Eternal: Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos.
And in the new decoding of the Name there are two Names of Woman Beginning of different time: Mariya and Isida, and Three Names of Masculine Beginning: Gore, Osiris and Christ, that in any way can not be together.
Lord Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary, Seven Arhats and Saints and their former embodiments Came on Earth from Shambala that is in the Fiery (Thin) world. But not from Siriusian civilization which is not in this star system, which is in the Material world. And on a star Canicula and on constellations Orion, Big Dipper and Pleiades there is no life. And the star Sirius Mother of the World calls a planet.
Thus Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos Gives strongest Tests.
10. Description of main page of site.
On the picture of the main page of this site is placed Picture Mother of Eternity – of God Mariya DEVI Khristos. White Its Image is contained by esoteric unity of all earthly dogmas! A white soutane is a clothing of Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary, and all Saints of God; turban, tulasi and diadem is a symbols of East (Buddhism, Hinduism, Krishnaism); a cross with Crucifix is Christianity; a rosary is a monasticism and asceticism; a scepter is a symbol of the Ancient Egyptian Initiates, symbol of Higher Spiritual Power; diapersthe is a Catholicism.
And also placed photos of the planet Earth, of a Sun and Moon, because Earth is a likeness of God, which contains two of God's Beginning (Jesus–Mary), and the Sun and Moon – a kind of Paternal (Jesus) and Maternal (Mary) Beginning of God, respectively. Mission to Planet Earth are approaching two stars: the Mother of the World (Bethlehem) and the Father of Eternity, which will become the new beacons instead of the Sun and the Moon. They are represented less Sun and the Moon.
To the right of the Face of Mother of Eternity the constellation «Cassiopeia» is represented. A symbol of this constellation – the tsarina on a throne. It is the Image of the Tsarina of Time and Eternity – Mothers of Eternity. The constellation «Cassiopeia» is on the Milky Way and is turned on the star Sky round North star through which there passes the Universal axis. Therefore 5 bright stars of this constellation form in December the letter «M», and in June – Latin «W».
To the left of the Face of Mother of Eternity are represented The Seven major planets of the terrestrial system: Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune – the planet is the Seven Christes (Father of Eternity – Lord John–Peter the Second).
Constellations Ursa Major, Orion and the Pleiades is also a reflection of the Seven Great's Spirits. Three stars of Orion's belt represent the Women core of the Seven Christ's and point to the star Sirius. In each constellation the cores are on seven stars.
On the picture of the main page of site you see the winged planet of Nibiru, which has a raspberry color, and it will look in size as a second Sun. It is sent by God Mariya DEVI Khristos for clearing of planet Earth. The planet of Nibiru carries in itself the huge gravitation field and grandiose supply of Fiery energy the physical transmitter of which is a gamma–radiation. Mother of Eternity Wrote musical composition of «Nibiru» for Album «Sunny Race».
And also on the picture of the main page you see a comet, symbolizing arriving to Earth in Apocalypse 18 comets: 1. Shumeyker–Levi in 1994. 2. Comet of Hiya–Kutaki in 1996. 3. Comet of Kheyla–Boppa in 1997. 4–5. Comet of Holms and comet of Maknote in 2007. 6. Comet of Lulin in 2009. 7. 2th comet of Maknote in 2010. 8. Comet of Elenin in 2011. 9th comet of C/2012 S1 (ISON) in 2013. 10. In January, 2015 is a comet of Lavdgoj. 11. August, 13, 2015 comet of Churumova–Gerasimenko. 12. On January, 17, 2016 is double–tailed comet of Catalin C/2013 US10. 13. April 1, 2017 – an unusual comet 41P/Tuttle-Jacobini-Cresac. 14. December 16, 2018 – comet 46P/Virtanen. 15. 2019 – Comet ATLAS. 16. Comet SWAN (C/2020 F8) was discovered on April 11, 2020. 17. Comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) will be the brightest comet in 2021. 18. Comet 2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) – July 14, 2022.
About the 2th comet of Maknote Mother of the World Wrote Verse «White Announcer (Fourth Rider of Apocalypse)». A comet announces beginning of clearing of planet Earth. And the first three comet–riders – it Shumeyker–Levi, Kheyla–Boppa, 1th Maknote. Before by the Mother of the World Was Written Verse «To Comet of Kheyla–Boppa». Mother of the World Wrote musical composition «Comet Ison» for Album «Point of bifurcation». And was Prophet Yuoann Svami Written by Verse about the comet of Shumeyker–Levi «Who Jupiter?».
On site, through players on the main page, you can hear «Message of Light» Mother of Eternity of Mariya DEVI Khristos from April, 14, 2011 and select «Divine Poetry» in execution Mother of the World. In addition, you can hear select Musical Compositions from Author Albums "Golden Age – Zep Tepi", "Metagalaxy", "Planet Egypt", "Star Mystery", "Edem", «Breathing of Orion», «Kingdom of Sofia» from Space Poliart of the Third Millennium of The Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos (see site Simultaneously you can listen «Message of Light» and read the text of Message, opening it through a main menu. You can listen Space Music of Mother of Eternity and simultaneously to look over materials of site through a main menu.
On the main page of site main events and dates of Apocalypse are presented. And also quotations of Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos about Birth, Collection and Ascension of Universal Church «Great White Fraternity» (YUSMALOS) in Celestial Hail Jerusalem.
On the page of site "Chronology of Apocalypse – the Last Advent of God on Earth" the basic dates of Apocalypse and terms of his lasts of peat–time are presented.
Forming of site is mainly complete. But a site periodically is in editorial support: pictures and musical compositions are added in two–bits; specified, corrected and added texts. In maintenance of site marked asterisks: the corrected (*) or complemented (**) or the added new files (***).
The site contains versions: in Russian, the Ukrainian and English languages.
For the color background of menu and alphanumeric field of site are taken the fragments of pictures of Lord Mariya DEVI Khristos «Celestial Oakery» and «In Measurings of Light».
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Apostles Jacob Zevedeyev and Jacob Alfeyev,
Angels of Philadelphia and Smyrna churches,